State symbols unite us at the most important moments in the fate of the Fatherland - from national holidays to sports victories. The Day of State Symbols Kazakhstan celebrates on June 4th. As part of the celebration of the Day of the Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Museum of Local Lore, together with the regional library, held their game “STATE SYMBOLS OF MY MOTHERLAND!” with students of the ZhPK. The event was opened with the performance of the anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A video "History and meaning of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was prepared. During the conversation, they talked about the symbols (flag, coat of arms, anthem), where they are used. What is depicted on the coat of arms, the flag, what do they stand for. Then they talked about the authors of the emblem, anthem, flag. students answered questions with interest, answering the proposed questions about the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and then got acquainted with the materials of the book exhibition "Symbols of Kazakhstan". Such events develop cognitive interest among the participants, broaden their horizons, cultivate respect for state symbols, the historical past and traditions of our country. All participants of the event received sweet prizes.